CNY999.00 / User / Year (Minimum 3 users) |
Initial Config: CNY3,000.00, including of carriers, ports, currency etc., customized house b/l (templated), import tradepartner data, charge item data, standard training once. |
Subscript parts of function module is valiable, such as only needing sales activity and tariff management module ect., contact with customer service dept. for details.ALL function modules opened and Free updating system service. |
Homepage | Homepage | To do List / OA Application List | Y | Y |
Notice from System / Gropu / Branch | Y | Y | ||
Calendar | Y | Y | ||
Sales Activity | CRM for Sales | Sales activity reprot by quantitative | Y | Y |
Quotation for Sales | Create and manage quotation records | Y | Y | |
Tariff Management | FCL / LCL Tariff | FCL tariff contract, LCL Freight and surcharge | Y | Y |
Air Tariff | Freight management | Y | Y | |
Inland Tariff | Domestic inland charge management | Y | Y | |
Oversea Agent Tariff | DDU / DDP charge management | Y | Y | |
My Tariff Freight | Find your freight | Filter freight by multi conditions | Y | Y |
Group share | All branch offices share tariff freights | Y | Y | |
Admin Expense | Non-business expense in office | Create and manage expense daily | Y | Y |
Check, Statement and Settle expense daily | Y | Y | ||
OA Application | All Moduels | Generate application from shipment to OA system | Y | Y |
Create and manage application for Group company internal | Y | Y | ||
Basic Setting | Basic data management | Oversea Agent, Trade partner, Charge item etc. | Y | Y |
Employee, Detp, Role and Authorization | Y | Y | ||
Notice | Manage notice of group company and branch offices | Y | Y |
*Function modules manual book of system please kindly contact us
*All function modules config base on company's policy, and user's right based on service contract
*Above rate included VAT
*Customized function or module requirment, please contact with customer service and reply after evaluation