Customized for 3rd Logistics Center

Web / App / Wechat Interaction

Customized function

Accuracy data and report


Service Package and Function Module Config


CNY1,000.00 / user / year (mininum * 3
Functions and module of web/app/wechat/email, details as following 'FUNCTION MODULES CONFIG' or contact with customer service
Free Cloud server, faster and more secure
Free updating system service


*User Online concurrent means users login system at the same time

*ALL function modules opened, Details as following 'FUNCTION MODULES CONFIG' or contact with customer service

*All rates and function modules config base on company's policy, and user's right based on service contract


Home Business Statistics Cargo volume in/out in 15 days and inventory latest year Y
Waiting list on current day Y
Warehouse In In Devlivery Create and edit warehouse/in business Y
Cargo receive by QR Code Y
Upload and edit photos Y
Print cargo receiption Y
Charge base on automatics amount Y
Wechat push service Y
Email push service Y
Cargo List Query base on business no Y
Query base on cargo details Y
View and download photos Y
Inventory Inventory data in time Y
Reservation Make appointment to warehouse (Supplementary module) Y
Truck Out Warehouse out by truck Create and edit truck/out business Y
Distribute cargo to truck Y
Pint instruction of truck cargo Y
upload and edit photos Y
AR/AP Invoice Y
Auto profit share for cash received Y
Business profit report Y
Truck Out List Query based on mutli conditions Y
View and download photos Y
Clients login page Warehouse in / Cargo List Cargo data, status and photos Y
Cargo Inventory Y
Warehouse out / Truck out Truck & cargo data, status and photos Y
APP (Only androidOS) Warehouse in Create warehouse/in business Y
Cargo in by scaning QR code and upload photos Y
Cargo in by waiting list and upload photos Y
Search cargo details and photos which in warehouse Y
Upload photos for exist cargo records Y
Warehouse Out Cargo Out by scaning QR code and upload photos Y
Transfer location of cargo Y
Forklift worker performance Statistic volume of cargo in Y
Statistic volume of container out Y
Wechat Cargo List Search cargo data, status and photos Y
Push service Push cargo data, status and photos to login client's user Y
Reservation Clients or drivers make appointment to warehouse advanced Y
Cargo Receiption Clients or drivers download cargo receiption by wechat Y
Accounting Audit & Settle Audit and invoice for AR/AP Y
Settle for AR/AP Y
Statement Create and edit statement Y
Export statement (batch) Y
Profit Detail profit report including of cash received share Y
Summary profit report Y
Cash Received Audit, invoice and settle cash received records Y
AR/AP/Profit of Group Summary data of warehouses Y
General Report Cargo volume Cargo in/out details Y
Storage Fee Automatics calculate storage fee based on time Y
Basic Setting Initial base data Warehouse, Employee, trade partner and contactors Y
Employee's role and authorization Y
Storehouse and storage location Y
Standard/contract rate of warehouse in and storage Y

*Function modules manual book of system please kindly contact us.

*All function modules config base on company's policy, and user's right based on service contract