Customized for Int'l Logistics

Web / App / Wechat Interaction

Customized function

Accuracy data and report


Service Package and Function Module Config

Flexible purchase

Package service, Cost down


CNY1,000.00 / user / year (mininum x 3 , Seperated by WEB user and APP user)
Functions and module of web/app/wechat/email, details as following 'FUNCTION MODULES CONFIG' or contact with customer service
Clients' Users login system by FREE
Wechat functions and email push service by FREE
Free Cloud server, faster and more secure
Free updating system service




  • login users upto x 6
  • 900.00 / user / year (90%)
  • all function modules opened
  • free Cloud server, Faster and more secure
  • free updating system service



  • login users upto x 10
  • 800.00 / user / year (80%)
  • all function modules opened
  • free Cloud server, Faster and more secure
  • free updating system service



  • login users upto x 15
  • 660.00 / user / year (66%)
  • all function modules opened
  • free Cloud server, Faster and more secure
  • free updating system service


*User Online concurrent means users login system at the same time

*ALL function modules opened, Details as following 'FUNCTION MODULES CONFIG' or contact with customer service

*All rates and function modules config base on company's policy, and user's right based on service contract

*Supplementary function based on advance deposits service


Home Business Statistics Warehouse out in 7 days Y
Cargo volume in/out in 15 days and inventory latest year Y
Waiting list on current day Y
Dashboard Statistics chart Business from all warehouses of Group Y
Business based on current time Y
Warehouse In In Devlivery Create and edit warehouse/in business Y
QR Code for Cargo received by App Y
Pallet UID for Cargo received Y
Upload and edit photos Y
Print cargo receiption Y
Charge base on automatics amount Y
Wechat push service Y
Email push service Y
API push data to nominated partner Y
Alert for Special requirment warehouse in Y
Cargo List Query base on business no Y
Query base on cargo details Y
View and download photos Y
Inventory Inventory data in time Y
Reservation Make appointment to warehouse (Supplementary module) Y
Container Out Warehouse out by container Create and edit container/out business Y
Distribute cargo to container Y
Pint instruction of container cargo Y
Generate loading plan Y
upload and edit photos Y
AR/AP Invoice Y
Auto profit share for cash received Y
Business profit report Y
Empty or weight truck instruction Y
Container Out List Query based on mutli conditions Y
View and download photos Y
Loading Plan Generate, edit and print loading plan Y
EDI loading plan data to Shanghai port terminal Y
Truck Out Warehouse out by truck Create and edit truck/out business Y
Distribute cargo to truck Y
Pint instruction of truck cargo Y
upload and edit photos Y
AR/AP Invoice Y
Auto profit share for cash received Y
Business profit report Y
Truck Out List Query based on mutli conditions Y
View and download photos Y
Clients login page Warehouse in / Cargo List Cargo data, status and photos Y
Cargo Inventory Y
Warehouse out / Container Container & cargo data, status and photos Y
Truck & cargo data, status and photos Y
Container Discharge Temp Discharge container temproary Create, edit discharge business Y
Standard charge management Y
Automatics calculate amount of storage and service Y
Print and export receiption and statement Y
APP (Only androidOS) Warehouse in Create warehouse/in business Y
Cargo in by scaning QR code and upload photos Y
Cargo in by waiting list and upload photos Y
Search cargo details and photos which in warehouse Y
Upload photos for exist cargo records Y
Warehouse Out Cargo Out by scaning QR code and upload photos Y
Transfer location of cargo Y
Forklift worker performance Statistic volume of cargo in Y
Statistic volume of container out Y
Wechat Cargo List Search cargo data, status and photos Y
Push service Push cargo data, status and photos to login client's user Y
Reservation Clients or drivers make appointment to warehouse advanced Y
Cargo Receiption Clients or drivers download cargo receiption by wechat Y
Accounting Audit & Settle Audit and invoice for AR/AP Y
Settle for AR/AP Y
Statement Create and edit statement Y
Export statement (batch) Y
Profit Detail profit report including of cash received share Y
Summary profit report Y
Cash Received Audit, invoice and settle cash received records Y
AR/AP/Profit of Group Summary data of warehouses Y
General Report Cargo volume Cargo in/out details Y
Container Volume Container out details and summary Y
EDI LP Report EDI loading plan records list Y
Storage Fee Automatics calculate storage fee based on time Y
Basic Setting Initial base data Warehouse, Employee, trade partner and contactors Y
Employee's role and authorization Y
Storehouse and storage location Y
Standard/contract rate of warehouse in and storage Y

*Function modules manual book of system please kindly contact us.

*All function modules config base on company's policy, and user's right based on service contract